Michelle Powell has designed this gorgeous collection of mini gift boxes, decorated using pretty papers, glitter, ribbons and any other kind of embellishment you can think of. They can be used to hold wedding favours, tiny gifts for handing to guests at the end of a party, or simply to hold a small, personal present for someone special. Craft shops are filled with readymade ones, but it is easy, and much more fun, to make your own! They are an ideal way of using up all your left over scraps from other projects, and all you need are some basic craft materials and tools.
About Michelle Powell
Michelle Powell studied design and display at Gloucestershire College of Arts and Technology before going on to train as a teacher at Bath College of Higher Education. She majored in printing and papermaking and graduated with a degree in teaching art. Previously editor of Practical Crafts and Scrapbook Magic magazines, Michelle is now a full time craft project designer and author. Michelle is currently building her own house with her partner Christian.