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  • Publisher: C&T Publishing
  • Edition: BE Spiral bound
  • Publication: 02 November 2020
  • ISBN 13/EAN: 9781644030998
  • Stock: 11 in stock
  • Size: 203x254 mm
  • Pages: 100
  • RRP: £19.99
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Knit & Crochet Project Planner


Everything you need to dream, plan & organize 12 projects! by Sophie Scardaci

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Book Description

This delightful planner is designed especially for knitters and crocheters so that you can track multiple projects throughout the year because, let’s face it, who doesn’t have lots of projects going at once? Set your project goals, track your progress, and manage your time and works-in-progress (WIPs). Each project has four pages to track and record all the critical details: pattern info, yarn requirements, gauge swatches, due dates and tasks, your supply list, and more. Plus flip to the back of the planner for knitting and crochet terms and abbreviations, a needle inventory tracker, and other handy resources.

About the Author

About Sophie Scardaci

Sophie Scardaci formerly owned a yarn store for eight years and hopes to bring a retailer’s point of view to C&T’s team. Her love of all crafts ranges from knitting to sewing to cake toppers. Her garden shed is definitely her happy place, where you’ll find her exploring different arts and crafts.


Knitting and Crochet Guild

I dont usually like planner books because they dont seem to be designed by crafters, however Im no longer able to use Ravelry due to the website causing me visual migraines and so I was intrigued as to whether Id found a solution for planning and recording my knitting and spinning projects.

The book is A4 in size, with wipeable cover and dividers. It is divided into helpful sections for project planning, tracking contacts and references. The book is spiral bound. There are some gorgeous colour pictures used for the dividers. The book will give you room for 12 major projects, with graph paper to allow you to chart designs. There is room for an inspiration / swatch board for each project. Theres plenty of room to record your project, and even a space to reflect back on what youve learned.

In other sections you can record gifts you have sent, charity projects, knit / crochet alongs, classes and retreats and yarn shows you may eventually attend.

What I like about this resource is that it would be a great gift for newer or established crafters. The reference portions of this book contain the usual knitting and crochet terms and abbreviations, chart symbols, yarn weights, plus information on measuring for garments and gauge swatching.

 I think I will be adding this to my Christmas list.


I received a copy of the Knit & Crochet Project Planner from Search Press and I am really excited about it! My friends would probably tell you that I am a very organised person, and I would say that is pretty much true. Except, that is, to when it comes to my knitting and crochet! I have eleventy billion projects on the go, project bags stuffed inside bigger bags and in boxes, and lots and lots of notebooks and pieces of paper. I sometimes have to spend ages trying to work out where I am in a pattern, and what exactly did I mean by those scribbled notes when I was trying out ideas for a new design. I am definitely not a monogamous knitter, preferring to dip in and out of projects at a whim, despite having proved to myself that I am so much more productive if I stick to one project at a time. The cover boldly claims: 'Everything you need to dream, plan and organize 12 projects!' I couldn't wait to delve into it!

The planner is divided into five sections: My Year, Project Planning, Tracking Logs, My Contacts and Reference. For me, the most useful sections are My Year, which allows you to list events and set tasks for each month, Project Planning which is absolutely brilliant and packed with plenty of space to plan, design if you wish, swatch and just generally keep all your project notes in one place, and the Reference section which has helpful reminders, stitch and chart abbreviations, needle sizes and everything you might possibly need to look up whilst working on a project. Each project is colour-coded, so it's easy to find a particular project from the page edges. I cannot wait to start using it to plan my projects for 2021.

It would make a brilliant present for any knitter or crocheter that you know, or why not gift it to yourself to set yourself up for an organised year of crafty goodness.

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