Karen Platt- yarnsandfabrics.co.uk
Discover 110 traditional blocks, each in 5 different sizes with diagrams, yardage and project ideas. Easy-to-use reference tables, design tips and colour inspiration are included along with rotary-cutting charts and a block index. This compact book makes it easy to make block projects or to design your own. There are blocks from 2- to 8-grid. This book is pre-cut friendly showing you how to use fat quarters, jelly rolls, layer cakes and charm squares as well as yardage. Tips show you how to mix and match blocks or change block size, easy cut and sew. It is the ultimate no-maths reference for quilters. All the calculating is done for you. All you have to do is cut and create. There have been previous editions of this book, but this version has new content.
British Patchwork and Quilting
December 2015
The 13 quilts start with a ready-made pre-cut packs but add extra fabric to make a unique colour selection. Most of the quilts have traditional repeated blocks but occasional quilts use asymmetrical layouts to create a bold design. Some blocks are made larger than necessary and then cut to size. It is advised to spray starch bias edges before cutting to prevent stretching. The instructions and the diagrams are easy to follow. There are ideas for enlarging the quilts with extra borders. A gallery shows the quilts with different colour combinations.
Popular Patchwork
October 2015
Put your hands up if you have a Jelly Roll sitting on a shelf that you loved in the shop but have never got round to using, or a charm pack that you couldn't leave behind but isn't quite enough fabric for any of your projects? We also can't leave out anyone with fat quarters, a ruler and a rotary cutter at the ready! This is a book that provides lots of quilt designs that could help you use up some of your stash. As well as the projects the authors offer advice on how to combine colours and patterns to make your precuts go further when you can no longer buy additional fabric from the same collection. Once you have found your complementary, notice not matching fabric there is a useful chapter on increasing the size of your quilt by adding borders. The final chapter is a gallery of quilts based on designs from the book, my personal favourite is the Dance Party design.