Traditional dream catchers are intended to protect people who are sleeping from negative, bad dreams while still letting the positive, good dreams come through. The good dreams go through the hole in the centre of the dream catcher and then glide down the feathers to the person sleeping below. Native Americans and of course others, truly believe that dream catchers have the power to catch all of your dreams; trapping the bad ones in the web, and only letting the good dreams pass through the hole in the middle.
Express your creativity by stitching one of the most fascinating traditions of Native Americans. Patterns for six dream catchers are included in this book. Each design is made using #2 Omega Nylon cord, a metal craft ring or a wooden embroidery hoop and embellished with beads and feathers.
About Bendy Carter
Bendy Carter has been crocheting since the age of nine. A full-time crochet designer and minister's wife, Carter's designs have been featured on the front cover of many magazines. To date, hundreds of her patterns have been published in magazines, free leaflets and purchased by yarn companies, she has written more than a dozen crochet books, and has even designed for celebrities.