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  • Publisher: Vetty Creations
  • Edition: BC Paperback
  • Publication: 20 April 2012
  • ISBN 13/EAN: 9780975767757
  • Stock: 50+
  • Size: 195x275 mm
  • Pages: 104
  • RRP: £19.99
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Portuguese Whitework


Bullion Embroidery from Guimarães by Yvette Stanton

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Book Description

The latest stunning book from whitework specialist, Yvette Stanton, Portugese Whitework featuring an exquisite style of needlework from Guimarães in northern Portugal will inspire and delight you. Drawn thread work and bullion embroidery combine to create a strikingly beautiful style. You will learn all you need to know to create your own masterpieces and heirlooms with the in-depth step-by-step instructions. A range of projects, large and small, for beginners through to advanced stitchers.

About the Author

About Yvette Stanton

Yvette Stanton is the publisher and designer behind Vetty Creations. She has a passion for whitework embroidery, and for sharing it with others. Yvette has written 12 best-selling embroidery books, including Smøyg which was also published by Search Press. Yvette is an accredited tutor with the Embroiderers Guild of NSW, and teaches embroidery classes, specializing in whitework around Australia. She's also an award-winning embroiderer with over 15 years' experience of producing beautiful intricate embroideries. Yvette lives in Sydney, Australia.

Visit Yvette's:
Website at www.vettycreations.com.au
Facebook: vettycreations
Instagram: @vettycreations



June/July 13

Yvette has written a number of books about embroidery but admits that her favourite style of needlework is Portuguese whitework. 'It is just so elegant, with the crisp white on white, the beautiful base of drawn thread work, and the sumptuous surfaces of bullion embroidery.' The fact than an Australian embroiderer specialises in a Portuguese technique may seem surprising. However, it is precisely Australia's lack of a specific stitch style that led Yvette Stanton to search further afield for inspiration. Having travelled to Guimaraes, a town in the north of Portugal, to research this little-known technique, Yvette poured her knowledge and enthusiasm into this title. The book is beautifully produced and includes pull-out pattern sheets for all ten of the featured projects. These vary in complexity from a simple bookmark to a sumptuous sampler featuring 36 different bullion stitch motifs. A historical overview and thorough text on materials and how to work the stitches are all illustrated with clear diagrams and photographs throughout. This book is essential reading for anyone who enjoys the subtlety of whitework, and also for hand embroiderers keen to widen their skills base. The three-dimensional appeal of the bullion knot, shown in such variety here, simply cries out to be stitched perhaps in red, black or blue, the other colours traditionally worked in the Guimaraes style.

Karen Platt Yarnsandfabrics.co.uk/crafts

July 12

Yvette Stanton is one heck of an embroiderer, who is also savvy enough to have produced a string of the finest embroidery books around. She produces the kind of books I like. Great instructions, clear photographs, easy to follow but also an innovative take on traditional techniques. Yvette always goes that extra mile - her books are beautiful. This one comes with great projects from small ornaments or a bookmark to a table runner, tablecloth or cushion and a pattern sheet. There is a brief history of this type of embroidery, which is based on drawn thread. Any embroiderer will be delighted with this book, get one for your friend too. Best traditional embroidery book of the year and a book to really treasure. Very highly recommended.


July 12

Should you, like me, adore both Hardanger and stitchery, then this new book will be irresistible! [It] reveals a traditional embroidery technique from Guimaraes, a town in northern Portugal. This form of whitework combines an intricate lattice of drawn thread borders, upon which motifs, primarily with bullion knots, are stitched. There are ten richly embroidered projects in the book, from a small starter panel to a tablecloth, which are reassuringly explained step by step. The charts of the designs are supplied on a large printout so you can have both the design and the book, open at a particular stitch, in front of you. All the stitches and the variations in the routes of the drawn thread borders are comprehensively shown with clear colour diagrams. This is an excellent book which will make you feel like you have the author at your elbow guiding you confidently through this wonderful form of embroidery.


May 12

Portuguese Whitework by Yvette Stanton is a glorious book - and a must-have for every hand-embroidery enthusiast. Anyone familiar with Yvette's embroidery books rightly expects to find both thorough instruction and beautiful projects in the books she writes and publishes, and her latest book does not disappoint in either regard. Elegant Guimarães embroidery comes to life in the projects presented within - and oh! What magnificent projects! From bookmarks and biscornu to samplers and table linens, there is something here for every stitcher, whether beginner or expert. Portuguese Whitework is an hospitable book. Yvette welcomes you to the world of Guimarães embroidery, and then, through her clear diagrams and comprehensive instruction, she makes you feel right at home with it. A lovely, lovely book by an excellent teacher!


May 12

Well, here it is! Yvette Stantons new hand embroidery book, Portuguese Whitework: Bullion Embroidery from Guimarães is out and available. And golly! It is beautiful! If youre familiar with Yvettes other books on various types of lesser-known, beautiful whitework techniques, you wont be surprised that this one is superb. I have to say, though, out of all her whitework books, so far, this one is my favorite. Perhaps its because her books just keep getting better and better, or maybe its because I have an affinity for the combination of drawn thread embroidery and surface embroidery. Guimarães embroidery just does this combination so well!

Portuguese Whitework: Bullion Embroidery from Guimarães is a combination instructional manual / project book. As you can see from the cover, bullion knots and drawn thread embroidery figure into Guimarães embroidery techniques. If youre not a fan of the bullion knot, dont be intimidated! Really, they just take practice, and Yvette offers clear instructions and all kinds of encouragement to help you get your bullions right!

The book begins with an explanation of what Guimarães embroidery is and what it entails, followed by a nice history of the technique. Yvette peppered the history section with some beautiful examples of embroidery from the Guimarães area of Portugal, so you can get a sense of where this style of embroidery is coming from, how it has developed, and how the embroidery has been used.

Following the history section, we get materials all the supplies you need to work up your own Guimarães embroidery projects. Theres an explanation, too, of the colors often used in Guimarães embroidery. Not all Guimarães embroidery is whitework, per se, but Guimarães embroidery is typified by a very limited palette of colors, and Yvette explains all that so that theres no confusion.

Then we get into the meat of the book! The book is really structured around the projects, which cover a whole range of levels of work. From smaller, simple bookmarks to elaborate tablecloths and samplers, theres something in this book for everyone. Do you want to work up a quick weekend project? Or do you want to create a Monumental Masterpiece that will take a bit more time? Youll find both, and lots in between, among the projects. Each project is accompanied by instructions that take you step-by-step through the project. The instructions are mostly text, with diagrams when necessary. The actual instruction, though, in the embroidery techniques, is all presented in the second half of the book, in clear, step-by-step diagrams.

The technique instructions are divided into drawn thread embroidery instructions and surface embroidery instructions, since Guimarães embroidery is made up of both. The drawn thread instructions concentrate on overcast bars, addressing all types of arrangements of overcast bars thoroughly. Yvette takes the stitcher through every step of each technique, showing you how to turn the corners, how to secure the threads, where to hold your stitches and whats going on under your fingers while youre holding them, where and how to start new threads, and so forth. These are the little details that set her books apart she really covers everything and she doesnt leave you wondering.

The drawn thread section is followed by surface embroidery instruction, which covers all the surface embroidery techniques used in Guimarães embroidery. The instructions here are also presented with step-by-step illustrations. And then theres a little section on additional, helpful techniques, which addresses some finishing questions, like damp stretching, hemstitching, preparation for framing, and so forth.

But wait! Theres more! Patterns, of course! The patterns for the projects are printed on separate sheets that are folded into a plastic sleeve affixed to the inside of the back of the book.

I probably dont have to tell you this is a lovely book you can see that for yourself! If you love whitework, drawn thread embroidery, or regional embroidery techniques from around the world, put this book on your list! Its a great project book and a great instructional book. In fact, the instructions are definitely universal theyll transfer to all types of embroidery techniques.


May 12

I spent a very indulgent weekend drooling over the pages of Yvette Stantons new book, Portuguese Whitework: Bullion Embroidery from Guimarães. I am sure hand embroidery enthusiasts will love this beautiful whitework technique. I have always been attracted to the the mix of drawn thread embroidery and surface embroidery but this book had me really itching to stitch which is a sign of a good book!

Portuguese Whitework: Bullion Embroidery from Guimarães includes full size patterns, detailed project directions and step by step stitch instructions in its 104 colour pages. Materials and supplies required for this type of embroidery, tasks like turning corners, securing threads, starting new threads, etc are all covered well. Guimarães embroidery is introduced, set in context, and has an interesting historical overview of the technique which illustrated with beautiful examples of embroidery. Each project has a difficulty rating. At the end of the book there is a small section of finishing techniques too.

The instructions are diagrams and text which are presented in a clear, well illustrated manner. I know many people do not like diagrams, but this is because for years the publishing industry has tried to save space by condensing the information. This meanness does not apear here. There is no assumed knowledge, or steps omitted. Everything is clearly explained. The acid test for me is how well an author explains the dreaded bullion knot, as many stitchers really fear this stitch. Not only does Yvette Stanton explain how to work them clearly, she also trouble shoots problems like lumpy bullions and tapered bullions. I cant stress enough how well explained everything is.

Projects in the book meet a range of skill levels and time commitments meaning there is something of interest for everyone. The embroidery projects themselves range from smaller items that could be worked in a weekend, to large complex projects that require more time. No matter your needlework skill, or how much time you have to explore a different style of embroidery you will find projects of interest.

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