31 July 2024


BC Paperback

149x208 mm



144 pages

David & Charles

The Healing Power of Movement

by Hannah Glancy

Split into three parts, the first Move with your Body guides readers through practical exercises to help connect with their own body and recognise what a magical tool for moving through the world it can be, and already is. Filled with tips and tricks, getting in touch with the body lays the groundwork for the healing to follow.

In part two Move with Your Breath the healing power of deep yogic breathing, alternate nostril breathing (as made famous by Hilary Clinton) takes the reader deeper into the mind-body connection and explores how activating the breath can be the most healing part of physical movement.

In part three Move with your Mind the barriers that we all put up in face of getting active are gently broken down as resilience and acceptance are explored, with a quiz designed to help readers identify the mindset they bring to movement and helping readers to understand how they can change their own approach for the better.

Throughout the book are specific practical exercises to try at home that help explain the concepts explored, including two full yoga sequences with illustrations that guide the reader through the poses.

Featuring tips for running, walking and cold-water swimming, The Healing Power of Movement is the perfect introduction to understanding exercise for people who want to live a fulfilling active life that puts healing and nature at its heart.

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