13 September 2022
ZA General merchandise
98x153 mm
68 pages
David & Charles
The Witch's Year Card Deck
Clare Gogerty
A year-long magical adventure with everything the modern witch needs to develop their witchy practice.
Based on the cycles of nature and guided by the seasons, this card deck will give you the tools to unveil the magic that surrounds us. By celebrating the eight sabbats of the Wheel of the Year, you will work with nature to activate your hidden power and trigger miraculous happenings. It will enrich your life. Packed with information and practical rituals, this card deck boosts wellbeing by tapping into the healing power of nature and the spiritual rewards of creativity. It includes:
- Seasonal spells, remedies, rituals and affirmations that use the power of plants, herbs and stones to offer guidance and healing
- Features including crystal gazing, dowsing, reading the Tarot, the magic of stone circles and folklore traditions, to increase knowledge and inspire curiosity
- Creative projects with a witchy purpose that can be used in rituals and spells.
Whether you are a practising witch or an aspiring one, this card deck will furnish you with the vital knowledge to enrich your journey and to sprinkle magic and enchantment over every day.